The land of the Red, White and Blue

Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there was a world called the Red White and Blue. After  the Raping of the land by the Greedy unnamed corporate entities, much of the landscape was barren.  With each new oil well pumping the land’s lifeblood from her body, the land would shiver and shake as if to attempt to shake off this nuisance bug.  Finally, there was a massive shake and several volcanoes, inactive for centuries belched forth immeasurable ash and rock. The ruling elite built fortresses underground and due to the limited sunlight, they became pale and were known  as the white race. The non-elite were forced to find shelter on the outside.

The continuous winter conditions were the result of the ash in the air completely obscuring the sun much of the time.  A pole shift had re-positioned the world so that this land was on the equator but the poor air quality still limited the amount of sunlight.  It was a harsh world and there was fighting among the two races but these people were adaptable.  They could work with their hands and they had many resources from the violence-torn urban areas.  Some had been able set up living spaces from old campers and off-grid camps in the wilderness areas. Others tried to use the old uninhabited urban neighborhoods.

These people were of two races. There was the red race and the blue race.  The reds were the followers of the white race but the elites turned on them when the times got hard  and left them behind when they moved underground.  The reds preferred to be more independent and had only a minimal governing  body.  They believed each person was responsible for himself  and that charity would promote weakness and dependency.  The blues were more clan-like and worked together for each other.  While the clan was able to work together, it was hard for any to get ahead because they were carrying others who were not productive.

Before the uprisings, they had worked together balancing each other.  But the whites, who did little to actually contribute to the populous kept increasing fees and taxes. They were like the catalyst that kept things flowing. They were the bankers who loaned money and charged interest. They didn’t actually add anything  to the transaction, they just collected the fees. Yes, they were the glue that seemed to hold things together but they were also parasites, constantly sapping the strength of the people.  Everything would have been fine but they got greedy.  Keep in mind that before the great war, they were of the red and blue race, it was only after they crushed the workers under crippling debt and taxes and  reduced freedoms that the working people revolted.  But the whites were not stupid by any means. They knew that to protect themselves, they would keep the reds and blues fighting among themselves blaming each other for their plight in life.  All this time, the whites who belonged to a secrete mystical society, gathered their needs and built their world underground for protection.

This was also the time that they conjured up a mystical dragon to protect them and their possessions. They called the dragon Aleen ( Ay  lee en ). It stood 20 ft tall and had 3 legs on each side of its monstrous body.  He could stand on the four back legs and still strike out with the front two although they were short. Each leg ended in clawed feet  that had opposing claws so they could grab objects or people.  It was also able to breathe fire from its mouth.  The people were in constant fear; for it would always come in the darkness.  it could and did do unmentionable things as it ravaged the countryside.  Few people saw Aleen and lived to tell the story but there were reports in the red camps that Aleen had a blue flame colored head and they suspected he was sent by the blue race. But strangely, in the blue encampments, stories were told of his fiery red head. They were convinced it was sent by the red race.  There were stories among some of the drifters that Aleen could be found in the daytime sleeping in the red rocks canyon.  There were high stone walls on either side of the canyon and it was a dead end canyon.  Because the two dragons were different colors, it was suspected that perhaps they were brothers.

The elders of the red clan decided that they would send their best warrior to slay the dragon while he slept in the canyon. They feared that sending more than one would awaken the dragon but a single warrior might be able to sneak up and kill Aleen.  They would wait for the darkness of the new moon and the warrior would sleep during the days and only venture out at night for the three preceding nights so he would be accustomed to the night vision.

Perhaps it was coincidence or action by the Gods but the blue elders had devised the same plan.  As the shaded sun sank over the horizon,  both warriors headed to the canyon. Neither knew of the other but as they neared the entrance to the canyon, the red warrior saw the blue  warrior ahead of him. Being from the more aggressive  race, red thought he would stay out of sight and get close enough to attack from behind, killing the blue knight and then go on to slay the dragon.  He followed from a distance until they neared the canyon entrance.  He moved closer into attacking distance; but then he heard the blue one chanting a prayer just under his breath.  “ I am one with the spirit. The life force resides in me  . . . . . . I am one with the spirit. The life force resides in me.  Oh, great spirit, hear me now”  What is this chant that sounds so familiar? Do I know this man? He hesitated and then raised his sword into the air.  With his highly polished sword raised over-head to strike down  the blue knight,  the blue knight seemed to radiate a blue light around him and the light from the glistening sward reflected on to the rocks ahead and there before them were the sleeping dragons. Both were apparently side by side because although their bodies were hidden by a massive bolder, each had his neck outstretched lying on the ground on either side of the rock.  Each knight saw their adversary and they now also saw each other more clearly.  They now faced evil personified in the two dragons. Would it not be more advantageous to work together?

They devised a plan to use the strong steel stranded rope  to tie the two dragons together and the two warriors could  fight them as one demon.  They  made a slip noose in each end of the rope and looped the rope around the tree that stood  in front of the boulder.  Then they took each end  loop to their respective dragon’s head. The idea was to hold the loop open in front of the dragon’s head so that when he lunged toward them, he would thrust his head through the loop and pull the noose tight.  Both knew that either or both of them could be easily killed if everything did not go just right.  They got into position, holding the loop open and ready to throw it over the attacking head.  Each held their weapon  ready to drive into the dragon’s eye. There was a nod and silently, one, two, three, PLUNGE!  The Gods must have been watching over them that night because the plan worked even better than they had planned. Each head lunged forward and pulled the noose tightly around the necks  but the two dragons did not get up from behind the huge rock and attack together because what the knights realized was that this was not two dragons. It was a single dragon with two heads. It symbolized the evil in both the red and blue races. So, the warriors were facing their own dark selves and that is why the dragon was so powerful.  Now the dragon had turned on himself as each head tried to get loose by pulling the noose tighter around each neck and he eventually killed himself.

As the two fighting warriors rejoiced at their success they started to  walked back to their respective camps, The blue knight started to recite another chant. “ We all are  one with the Light. There is but one Light. We are all one” . The red knight stopped him and ask what he was chanting; it was so familiar but yet he had never heard it before.

The Blue Knight explained, “It is familiar with you because it is impressed on our DNA as a resonance force. I always thought it was just the Blue race that resonated with the chant. If you feel it too then we too are brothers.  I learned of this story from my great grandfather who lived before the great eruptions.  He learned it from his forefathers.  The legend says that the sun will be taken from the sky for many seasons but  when two of different colors come together to slay the great beast, peace will come to our world.  It is said that they will come back dragging the light force behind them.  They will rule for 1000 season cycles.  It also says that they will help the white race regain their color but the white ones will never rule again.

AS the new brothers walked across the desert singing the chants together, the world began to echo the resonance and a fine mist formed and was bringing down the ash and an ever-spreading  ribbon of green and brightly colored flowers sprung up behind them in the rich ash soil as if the two were dragging them across the desert behind them.  When they looked ahead,  they could see the first light spreading across the land as the sky cleared.  It was the first sunrise on a new era in the land of the Red, White and Blue.