Reincarnation II

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At our first look at reincarnation, I talked about the trinity of man; the body, soul and spirit.  Sometimes we talk about the body, mind and spirit.  Others will talk about the conscious mind, subconscious mind and the super conscious mind. Although it is difficult to understand these differences, I see it a bit as a matter of definition. Just like we all have differing ideas of God, so do we have differing ideas of the mind.  I will share my idea of the trinity.

On the low end, we have the body. It is a reflection of what the mind thinks. We can easily understand the body because it is something physical; we can see it and study it.

Spirit is the opposite end of the “energy spectrum”  It is the God within, the little voice within, the God sense.  I see it as an energy of love.  I see this as the same as the energy of life.  Because we can’t see or measure it, a description is difficult but most people have their own idea of what it is so as long as we understand we are all describing the same thing according to our own understanding, there should be little misunderstanding.  It needs to be noted here that God has no specific religion; just like it has no gender.  You might dress this spirit, I am calling God, in many different religions (garments)  but God was before there were religions. There was always God and we all contain that energy whether we are Christian or Jewish, or Hindu,Buddhist, Muslim or even Atheist.

I think the confusion is the mind. To me, it seems to be the crossroads between spirit and body.  And I like to think of the body mind and spirit.  There is a physical mind that we use to think and which controls all our body functions.  You might think of it as the third dimension as it has measurable mass and physical qualities.  Then there is the subconscious. It also has some physical qualities but I think it is more. It’s storehouse of energy contains the soul memory.  Then there is the super conscious mind where we connect with the spirit.

Going back to the look at dimensions, we might say that God/spirit is one dimension.  In mathematics, the point is limited to one dimension.  But here that dimension is infinity.  That is difficult to understand and even harder to explain.  Perhaps some time, I will attempt to put that explanation together but for now , let’s just leave it as something to ponder.  I will describe the mind as having two dimensions. It has the energy of spirit taken over time which could be described at the soul or soul memory.  Then the obvious, the body having three dimensions with a physical presence.

I’m worn out trying to put those thoughts into words; so, I suspect some of you need a chance to give that all some thought.  So, I will stop for now but future posts will look at levels of existence and communication,  Karma, past lives and the evolution of souls and this accelerated time we live in.