Category Archives: New Age Thought

How free are those free services?

For those of you who follow me on this blog and on FaceBook, you know that I spend most of my posting time on FaceBook. It is so easy to just drop in a quick post and be done. It can be something as  Innocuous as a video of my ride through the park on my new e-bike or thought provoking as some “thought for the day”. Whatever it is, I don’t feel the need to fill a page by any means.  This blog, on the other hand, requires more thought and consideration.  Where Facebook is like a neighborhood chat, a true website is more publicly distributed.  I can also see more about how many view the articles and pictures.

It is said that if you think you are getting a product or service free, you are the product. In the case of FB, the posters get readers and the readers  become customers for the multitude of adds placed by FB on the pages.  So, in reality, as a FB participant, you provide FB with prospective customers and FB provides you with a platform to interact with your friends.  That part is OK but they also collect information about you and your friends and sell that information to third parties.  I’m not too keen on that.  They are certainly not alone there.

Google that google this. What a great free service Google is. Why are they doing this nice service for us free?  Every time, you google something, you are telling them what you want.  You tell them what interests you. You tell them where you eat, where you go on vacation. You are telling them your sexual preferences, and your medical needs.  If some unknown person came to your door and asked you all these questions, you would be ready to call the police but you give google ALL your secrets.  How will that information be used to benefit Google and the clients it sells the data to.  Once they know how you think, they know how to push your buttons to get you to buy something, vote for someone, or send you email or FB posts to use your weaknesses to pull you in to their way of thinking.  You are being played and don’t even know it.

Studying the way the mind thinks, counselors can be used to help you through troubling times. This same information, used improperly,  can be used to control the way you think.  It is a little like personal propaganda where those wanting to control you, can exploit your negative characteristics for their own gain. Groups of similar thinking people can be played like puppets on a string.

Think about recent decisions you have made recently.  How many of those decisions have had external influences?

Sunday Message:

Picture of uprooted tree
Tree uprooted

Have you ever looked at a tree that has been blown over in the wind? In my experience, I have noticed that they often have lots of surface roots but few deep penetrating roots. When the soil gets saturated, it gets soft and offers little support to the tall tree being blown by the wind. In the end, the tree is no match for the strong winds. Life is a lot like that too. We all strive to grow tall but if we fail to anchor into a solid base, we too can easily be blown down. Once taken down in this manner, it is very difficult to ever reach the tall stature of our recent past.

If we look at the germinating seed, we will see that it first sends out roots to get water and nutrients; then the plant sends out the exposed portion to reach for the light. These two needs are engrained in the DNA. It does not think about it; it simply knows that it must first anchor itself to the Earth and draw sustenance from Mother Earth and then it can grow into the light. At some point, it will it will have to know how tall and how deep it should go. If it gets regular gratification from constant watering, it will channel its energy to send out surface roots to take in the “easy” water. These roots are not strong but they can grow quickly and absorb much of the light regular rainfall. But if the rains are less constant and the top soil dries out, it knows to dive deeper into the soil for the deep water. The healthy plant will balance the deep and surface root extent. So, it is the hardships and lack that promotes the stronger and deeper roots.

Understanding the simple life, can help us understand the more complex life we lead. We also need to balance our entity. We need the deep roots of family and friends; that is our physical strength, our security. We also need the strength of spirit. That is our link to the whole. My first choice of words here would be God but there are those who don’t understand that word. They think of God as some supreme being hanging around in Heaven. Others will say, “ No, God is a trinity; Father, Son and holy Ghost” . Others will think we are talking about one of many Gods as in the Greek or Roman Gods. All these understandings are good examples of the religions of the world. But if you try to say, “God is the supreme being of all Christians or Jews or Muslims, is to say that the religion came before God. How can that be? God was the beginning before there was religion. If you except the concept that God is everywhere, then everywhere and everything is God or better said everything makes up God. Knowing that we all are a part of God, tells us that we all are a part of each other. Sorry I had to get off on this tangent but it is so important in this age were we are being pitted against each other. Are we just dogs forced to fight each other like caged dogs in a dog fight?  Have we not learned anything from the time of the gladiators?

OK, back to the trees. In life, we try to grow tall so we can have lots of leaves to capture the sunlight energy. We can relate this to the quest for wealth. The leaves are like dollars. While they do give us more access to additional sunlight, they also require more care, They have to be supported and fed and watered. For that we need the roots. The wise tree will send his roots deep for the more pure water less dependent on regular rainfall. But like the little pigs, with their houses of sticks and straw, we often take the easy way and this would be those surface roots. Without our ties to the spiritual side of life, we are like the rolling tumbleweed; blowing from one field to another.

Currently, we are being tested by events in our country and the world. We can fight like the dogs that some have become or bury our heads in the ground and be destined to blow around with the tumbleweed. The third option is to take this challenge to strengthen ourselves both physically and spiritually. We can reconnect with all life for the betterment of the universe and fight tyranny wherever it shows itself. We must dig deep down into our soul and find that which we are and stand tall against those who would throw us to the lions. Life is not a game; there are no winners or losers; only survivors.

Love and Light, I AM,

The land of the Red, White and Blue

Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there was a world called the Red White and Blue. After  the Raping of the land by the Greedy unnamed corporate entities, much of the landscape was barren.  With each new oil well pumping the land’s lifeblood from her body, the land would shiver and shake as if to attempt to shake off this nuisance bug.  Finally, there was a massive shake and several volcanoes, inactive for centuries belched forth immeasurable ash and rock. The ruling elite built fortresses underground and due to the limited sunlight, they became pale and were known  as the white race. The non-elite were forced to find shelter on the outside.

The continuous winter conditions were the result of the ash in the air completely obscuring the sun much of the time.  A pole shift had re-positioned the world so that this land was on the equator but the poor air quality still limited the amount of sunlight.  It was a harsh world and there was fighting among the two races but these people were adaptable.  They could work with their hands and they had many resources from the violence-torn urban areas.  Some had been able set up living spaces from old campers and off-grid camps in the wilderness areas. Others tried to use the old uninhabited urban neighborhoods.

These people were of two races. There was the red race and the blue race.  The reds were the followers of the white race but the elites turned on them when the times got hard  and left them behind when they moved underground.  The reds preferred to be more independent and had only a minimal governing  body.  They believed each person was responsible for himself  and that charity would promote weakness and dependency.  The blues were more clan-like and worked together for each other.  While the clan was able to work together, it was hard for any to get ahead because they were carrying others who were not productive.

Before the uprisings, they had worked together balancing each other.  But the whites, who did little to actually contribute to the populous kept increasing fees and taxes. They were like the catalyst that kept things flowing. They were the bankers who loaned money and charged interest. They didn’t actually add anything  to the transaction, they just collected the fees. Yes, they were the glue that seemed to hold things together but they were also parasites, constantly sapping the strength of the people.  Everything would have been fine but they got greedy.  Keep in mind that before the great war, they were of the red and blue race, it was only after they crushed the workers under crippling debt and taxes and  reduced freedoms that the working people revolted.  But the whites were not stupid by any means. They knew that to protect themselves, they would keep the reds and blues fighting among themselves blaming each other for their plight in life.  All this time, the whites who belonged to a secrete mystical society, gathered their needs and built their world underground for protection.

This was also the time that they conjured up a mystical dragon to protect them and their possessions. They called the dragon Aleen ( Ay  lee en ). It stood 20 ft tall and had 3 legs on each side of its monstrous body.  He could stand on the four back legs and still strike out with the front two although they were short. Each leg ended in clawed feet  that had opposing claws so they could grab objects or people.  It was also able to breathe fire from its mouth.  The people were in constant fear; for it would always come in the darkness.  it could and did do unmentionable things as it ravaged the countryside.  Few people saw Aleen and lived to tell the story but there were reports in the red camps that Aleen had a blue flame colored head and they suspected he was sent by the blue race. But strangely, in the blue encampments, stories were told of his fiery red head. They were convinced it was sent by the red race.  There were stories among some of the drifters that Aleen could be found in the daytime sleeping in the red rocks canyon.  There were high stone walls on either side of the canyon and it was a dead end canyon.  Because the two dragons were different colors, it was suspected that perhaps they were brothers.

The elders of the red clan decided that they would send their best warrior to slay the dragon while he slept in the canyon. They feared that sending more than one would awaken the dragon but a single warrior might be able to sneak up and kill Aleen.  They would wait for the darkness of the new moon and the warrior would sleep during the days and only venture out at night for the three preceding nights so he would be accustomed to the night vision.

Perhaps it was coincidence or action by the Gods but the blue elders had devised the same plan.  As the shaded sun sank over the horizon,  both warriors headed to the canyon. Neither knew of the other but as they neared the entrance to the canyon, the red warrior saw the blue  warrior ahead of him. Being from the more aggressive  race, red thought he would stay out of sight and get close enough to attack from behind, killing the blue knight and then go on to slay the dragon.  He followed from a distance until they neared the canyon entrance.  He moved closer into attacking distance; but then he heard the blue one chanting a prayer just under his breath.  “ I am one with the spirit. The life force resides in me  . . . . . . I am one with the spirit. The life force resides in me.  Oh, great spirit, hear me now”  What is this chant that sounds so familiar? Do I know this man? He hesitated and then raised his sword into the air.  With his highly polished sword raised over-head to strike down  the blue knight,  the blue knight seemed to radiate a blue light around him and the light from the glistening sward reflected on to the rocks ahead and there before them were the sleeping dragons. Both were apparently side by side because although their bodies were hidden by a massive bolder, each had his neck outstretched lying on the ground on either side of the rock.  Each knight saw their adversary and they now also saw each other more clearly.  They now faced evil personified in the two dragons. Would it not be more advantageous to work together?

They devised a plan to use the strong steel stranded rope  to tie the two dragons together and the two warriors could  fight them as one demon.  They  made a slip noose in each end of the rope and looped the rope around the tree that stood  in front of the boulder.  Then they took each end  loop to their respective dragon’s head. The idea was to hold the loop open in front of the dragon’s head so that when he lunged toward them, he would thrust his head through the loop and pull the noose tight.  Both knew that either or both of them could be easily killed if everything did not go just right.  They got into position, holding the loop open and ready to throw it over the attacking head.  Each held their weapon  ready to drive into the dragon’s eye. There was a nod and silently, one, two, three, PLUNGE!  The Gods must have been watching over them that night because the plan worked even better than they had planned. Each head lunged forward and pulled the noose tightly around the necks  but the two dragons did not get up from behind the huge rock and attack together because what the knights realized was that this was not two dragons. It was a single dragon with two heads. It symbolized the evil in both the red and blue races. So, the warriors were facing their own dark selves and that is why the dragon was so powerful.  Now the dragon had turned on himself as each head tried to get loose by pulling the noose tighter around each neck and he eventually killed himself.

As the two fighting warriors rejoiced at their success they started to  walked back to their respective camps, The blue knight started to recite another chant. “ We all are  one with the Light. There is but one Light. We are all one” . The red knight stopped him and ask what he was chanting; it was so familiar but yet he had never heard it before.

The Blue Knight explained, “It is familiar with you because it is impressed on our DNA as a resonance force. I always thought it was just the Blue race that resonated with the chant. If you feel it too then we too are brothers.  I learned of this story from my great grandfather who lived before the great eruptions.  He learned it from his forefathers.  The legend says that the sun will be taken from the sky for many seasons but  when two of different colors come together to slay the great beast, peace will come to our world.  It is said that they will come back dragging the light force behind them.  They will rule for 1000 season cycles.  It also says that they will help the white race regain their color but the white ones will never rule again.

AS the new brothers walked across the desert singing the chants together, the world began to echo the resonance and a fine mist formed and was bringing down the ash and an ever-spreading  ribbon of green and brightly colored flowers sprung up behind them in the rich ash soil as if the two were dragging them across the desert behind them.  When they looked ahead,  they could see the first light spreading across the land as the sky cleared.  It was the first sunrise on a new era in the land of the Red, White and Blue.

I remember

I remember walking through the trees listening to God speak through the  whistling branches and singing sparrow.  I remember fording  the shimmering stream where the fish would glance against my  shin  and the water would weave between my toes. God spoke to me there also. He said, ” The energy is in the water, it is pure like the spirit.”  I remember the sound of the pounding hooves of buffalo as they thundered across the plain.  God said, ” Take only what you need; to take more is greed.”  I remember the warmth of the glistening sun as it shone through  the crystal clear atmosphere.  God said, ” This is my breath to warm your spirit.”  And I remember the stillness of the night; where the song of the far off stars would sing me a lullaby of peace.  Life was good and I remember.

In the stillness of the night, I saw an unnatural darkness come over the land.  God said, “These are the clouds of change; They have come to your land from the East. Fear not; as I will protect you through all your days but beware these new brothers are new to this world and they have not found their way to me.  You must teach them your ways or your world will perish.  This I say unto you.  You must be patient; they have not seen the many lives you have; it will be hard for them to accept your ways, the ways of the spirit.

A brightness filled the sky and on the horizon, a multitude of brothers came to the land of the Americas.  I remember watching them kill the buffalo and then take a prize and leave the rest to rot in the grass.  I remember the last thunder of hooves drown out by the sound of man’s thunder. I remember the cry of the buffalo as one by one they were struck down by the White man’s fire stick. I cried with the wounded buffalo. I knew I would never again hear the mighty sound of thundering hooves as these majestic creatures of God fell like mighty trees; never to rise again.  I said, “Why God?”  and the answer was, “You must be patient; these are the souls of your much younger brethren; be patient, my son.”

And so it was, the land was taken by those  who had not found the  true connection to God  and while they professed their concern for the many, they swore allegiance to the I. Themselves and their family.  Through the many years, I saw many births and an equil number of deaths as I tried to continue with my directive to show them the way.  I tried to live among them as  one of their own.  I tried to mend their sick as a doctor and I worked in their fields as a slave.  I was their mother, I was their daughter while always being me.  I shared my experience with them and slowly, ever so slowly, they began to grow.

I asked God, “Am I finished yet, my Father?  I am tired; can I come home?”   “Soon” was his answer.  I continued with my quest to show the unenlightened the way to the Father but for every one I could raise, more of the  juvenile mouth breathers would fill the void.  While I looked with pride at all the  souls who had followed me, I knew I was a part of them.  They were all my children and I lived in them.  I thought to myself, ” They are my children as I am my Father’s child. I will continue to live through them as he lives through me.”  Is this the true evolution?  To raise our own vibration, we have to raise up those below us.  We don’t grow by  climbing; we grow by building a higher platform below us.  I asked my Father, ” Am I coming home now? ” and he responded, ” You never left.”

I remember

DFS 2/27/16

Sharing the light

The following is a post I added to my FaceBook page Christmas morning: ( There is more to the story – see below)

Tonight, we went to the candle light service at our church. The service ends with the congregation singing Silent Night while holding lit candles. When it comes time to light the candles, the person on the end of the pew lights their candle from the stationary candle on the end of every other row and then lights the next person’s candle from theirs. I was on the end and when it came time to light my candle from the pew candle, I had to stretch up with my right arm, which is the one with the shoulder rotator cuff damage. A pain shot through my shoulder as I held the candle to the flame. I was reminded that it is often not without pain to reach for the light of wisdom but then sharing that light with others is very rewarding. May we all reach for the light and once obtained, may we share it with others unable to obtain it on their own. Merry Christmas every one.

The preceding was my original post and as Paul Harvey would say,  ” And now, page two.”

There are many church rituals that have special spiritual  meaning to “those who have eyes to see”.  This candle lighting is symbolic of the passing of light or spiritual energy from one to another. I mentioned that it was not without pain to reach up and take the light from the church candle and make it my own. It was  necessary for me to reach out. The flame did not miraculously jump over to me.  Jesus said, “Knock and the door will be opened” he did not say, stay there and I will come get you.” You must look for the light; be it within or from an outside source.  Spiritual awareness is not simply posted for you to see as you walk by; you have to be looking for this awareness.

In the service bulletin, there was a notation that each person down the line should take their candle and light it from the other person beside them. There is a caution not to tip the lighted candle. The assumption is that this is a safety measure so you don’t spill hot wax  from the hot candle but again, this is symbolic of the process that you too must reach for the light.

Spiritual law dictates that we help if asked; answer when asked and give the energy of spirit to others, when asked.  You can not pluck up a person and lift them into awareness. They have to climb with your help. Trying to save those who are not ready to be saved is “casting seed upon barren ground”.

Those who are closer to the Light must be available when asked but it is not their responsibility to  save the world. When the student is ready, the teacher will be there.  On a more personal level, you can not learn your children’s lessons for them.  Trying to do otherwise, is a great disservice to them.  We have all seen the warning signs at parks and wildlife spaces, “Do not feed the animals”  They must learn to survive and grow on their own.  If you were to help a developing caterpillar out of his cocoon before he was fully developed, you would most surely kill him.  While it is hard to watch loved ones  struggle, it is the most beneficial thing you can do. Encourage their struggles and then praise their accomplishments.  Only then will they grow.

Reincarnation II

If you are new to this blog, you might want to go to the right column (Recent Posts) to read  the previous Reincarnation post first before going on to this one.

At our first look at reincarnation, I talked about the trinity of man; the body, soul and spirit.  Sometimes we talk about the body, mind and spirit.  Others will talk about the conscious mind, subconscious mind and the super conscious mind. Although it is difficult to understand these differences, I see it a bit as a matter of definition. Just like we all have differing ideas of God, so do we have differing ideas of the mind.  I will share my idea of the trinity.

On the low end, we have the body. It is a reflection of what the mind thinks. We can easily understand the body because it is something physical; we can see it and study it.

Spirit is the opposite end of the “energy spectrum”  It is the God within, the little voice within, the God sense.  I see it as an energy of love.  I see this as the same as the energy of life.  Because we can’t see or measure it, a description is difficult but most people have their own idea of what it is so as long as we understand we are all describing the same thing according to our own understanding, there should be little misunderstanding.  It needs to be noted here that God has no specific religion; just like it has no gender.  You might dress this spirit, I am calling God, in many different religions (garments)  but God was before there were religions. There was always God and we all contain that energy whether we are Christian or Jewish, or Hindu,Buddhist, Muslim or even Atheist.

I think the confusion is the mind. To me, it seems to be the crossroads between spirit and body.  And I like to think of the body mind and spirit.  There is a physical mind that we use to think and which controls all our body functions.  You might think of it as the third dimension as it has measurable mass and physical qualities.  Then there is the subconscious. It also has some physical qualities but I think it is more. It’s storehouse of energy contains the soul memory.  Then there is the super conscious mind where we connect with the spirit.

Going back to the look at dimensions, we might say that God/spirit is one dimension.  In mathematics, the point is limited to one dimension.  But here that dimension is infinity.  That is difficult to understand and even harder to explain.  Perhaps some time, I will attempt to put that explanation together but for now , let’s just leave it as something to ponder.  I will describe the mind as having two dimensions. It has the energy of spirit taken over time which could be described at the soul or soul memory.  Then the obvious, the body having three dimensions with a physical presence.

I’m worn out trying to put those thoughts into words; so, I suspect some of you need a chance to give that all some thought.  So, I will stop for now but future posts will look at levels of existence and communication,  Karma, past lives and the evolution of souls and this accelerated time we live in.


I can’t tell you how many times I have started this post/article/book.  Each time, it just didn’t seem to go right. For me this type of serious writing requires a special inspiration like may others who write about the spiritual side of life.  All too often the  first writing is inspired and well received and then the author wants to continue the money flow and pushes out one or more uninspired books.  I refuse to do that. If I don’t feel the inspiration, I won’t waste my time and I certainly won’t waste yours. I close it down and it sits with those other unpublished works on my computer.  So, here we go again; let’s see if this is the right time for me to share my feelings and knowledge on the subject.

I think I have always understood reincarnation and in my early years, I just assumed everyone else did too.  As I grew and began to share my thoughts, I found that I was in the minority at least in this country.  I found some that considered it blasphemy and I learned to keep my mouth shut. When you are insecure like I was, scooting out on that proverbial limb was not in my best interest.  As I grew up. I was forced to deal with death and found my understanding made coping so much easier.  There are some of you reading this who will say, “See, it is just a coping mechanism, like religion in general, a crutch!”  If this is your learning level, I am not here to open your eyes. ” When the student is ready, the teacher will be there.”  is an ancient quote. Jesus said, “For those who have eyes to see, let them see, and for those who have ears to hear, let them hear.”

To understand reincarnation, you have to understand the concept of self.  The human entity is made up of a trilogy.  We are a spirit who has experienced life. The spirit experience is saved in the soul and the soul is housed in a physical body.  Let me use another analogy.  In the beginning there was God. God is the name I will use for some energy form.  Some might call it a supreme being or the all knowing, Great Spirit or Heavenly Father.  It is everything; it is nothing, the alpha and omega. This essence of  God separates off pieces of itself, which  could be called the God seed.  This spark of God manifests a soul to house all experience. It is like an energy repository that takes on a vibration or frequency. This soul manifests a physical body by  joining with an embryo before birth.  The soul picks a body/family that will provide the lessons it needs to grow.  All the experiences of life are saved in the soul and at the point of death of the body, the spirit and soul go back as an energy form. This form will spend some time in a “place” we understand as heaven.  After some time, This spirit/soul will reincarnate into another living body.  This process continues and the vibration/frequency of this soul increases each life depending on the lessons learned. Eventually, the soul resonance will match the spirit energy and will be reabsorbed in the God head. This re-absorption   makes God bigger than it was and hence, this is how God grows. You might say this is the evolution of God. All living things are either growing or dying.  We were created in God’s image so as we grow, so does the Creator.
In the beginning there was God. Sparks of God each formed a soul to act as the intermediary between the spirit or God sparks, and the physical body.  Our purpose  is to raise the vibration of the soul to the level of the spirit through experiences of the body at which point the soul can become one with the creator and give growth to God. It is the cycle of life.

As I said above, this is my understanding.  It is difficult to wrap your mind around it because it is beyond what you can see and hear through the physical senses.  Take it into the silence and see if it resonates with you.  If it does not, just pass it off as the ramblings of an old man. If it does, come back and see what else I have shared on my site.

It’s a new year!

When I first starteDSDigitals_4FB-78d setting up this blog, my intention was to share my thoughts; hence the title, “I was just thinking” . Unfortunately, I spent too much time on FaceBook carefully walking the tightrope of political correctness. I was talking to friends and didn’t want to hurt feelings or step too far out on a limb.  I have so much to share but often feared the repercussions of delving into the nature of life and the ancient mystical sciences. I have felt like a kid riding in my parents car mile after mile, year after year asking, “Are we there yet?”  Is it time?   I have come to the conclusion, “ready or not, here I come.”

DSDigitals_4FB-20I was ahead of my time back in the late 70’s when I opened a metaphysical book store. It was called The Book Shelf. I sold new age books that were really OLD AGE. I offered classes on meditation, numerology and Astrology.  I also published a monthly newsletter with articles on similar subjects along with my thoughts and the thoughts of Bee Lief, a new age child.  I have offered some of this work on various websites in the past but now it is time to re-release  this work along with new work.  It will all be found here.

I don’t expect you to believe everything I say but read it with an open mind. If it resonates with you, take it in and grow from it. If it does not seem right for you now, then it isn’t.  When the student is ready, the teacher will be there.  My calling has always been as a teacher. I think now there are students ready to hear what I have to say.

This is just the introduction. I have lots more to share in the future.

Click here to check out the old Seventh Sense website

Life is a circle

Life is a circle
It isn’t a straight line or even a combination of disjointed sections.
It has no start or finish. It simply is.
It was not formed in the beginning and will not end.
It always was and always will be.
Because it was, there was a beginning
Because it  is, there will be no end.

If there were a beginning and an end,
they would be at the same point.
They differ only in perspective.
Birth is only a beginning when referenced from the future
and death is only the end when referenced from the past.
Because life is a circle, we are destined to repeat.

But don’t think of life as being static
because it also is constantly spinning ever faster
as we progress from one frequency to another.
Life moves ever faster as we approach the source.
Take joy in the journey not in the perceived destination.
The choices you make in one life will dictate the lessons you receive in another.

Life is the Alpha and Omega.
Life is the spirit in  Amen
With Love and Light, I AM
The Light within

He believes in you

I does not matter if you believe in God, the fact that he believes in you is why you are.

 D.F.S. 10/14/13
Hi Lord, it’s me. We are getting older and things are getting …bad here.  Gas prices are too high, no jobs, and food and heating costs too high. I know some have taken you out of our schools, government and even Christmas, but Lord I’m asking you to come back and re-bless America! We really need you! There are more of us who want you than those who don’t! Help us to let others know you love them and we pray for a re-kindling of the fire that made this country great. Give us a REVIVAL of people following you, for that is the only way to “change” this country in a positive direction. Thank You Lord, I Love You. (Author unknown)

I got this as an e-mail and decided to pass it on this way so it can be easily shared.  Some of you might be thinking, “All this God talk is just for the Bible beating Christian fanatics.” but God isn’t Christian! He/she can’t be claimed by any religion as their God only. God is the central anchor of ALL religions. Yes, he is the God of the Catholics and the Protestants but when you pray to God, you are praying to the God of All. He is the God of the Christians and the God of the Jews. He is the God of the Hindus and the God of the Buddhists. Yes, he is also the God of the Muslims.  The spirit has no denomination; it simply is. Life is a journey of the soul and at some time, when the soul has learned the lessons it must, it will return to its source. Only then can we find true peace.D.F.S